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Jnana-yoga, Bridge Preaching, Vijnana, Realized Devotees

Writer's picture: Kasya DasKasya Das

Adhibhuta Das: Jnana-yoga can be defined in variety ways. One of them could be hoarding of transcendental knowledge without application and realization.

Kashya Das: Not that. That would be out of range.

AD: Ok. What would be the exact one sentence definition?

KD: Engaging the intellect for understanding the Absolute Truth.

AD: Is study of the shastra (sat shastra) jnana and bhakti-yoga at the same time?

KD: Study of the shastra is part of bhakti-yoga. Complete is thus sravanam-mananam-nidhidhyasanam. We listen from the shastra, we think about it and we apply it.

AD: The result of this process is devotional service, or not necessarily?

KD: It is. Otherwise jnana is not complete.

AD: Is preaching also nidhidhyasanam?

KD: Preaching is broad term.

AD: Preaching of Krishna consciousness.

KD: Very broad… If it is according to shastra then yes.

AD: If it is bridge preaching, then what is it?

KD: Preaching according to shastra is always bridge preaching.

AD: Ok. What definitions should have karma-yoga? Often Srila Prabhupada explains it as devotional service. Dhyana-yoga is ashtanga-yoga?

KD: Karma-yoga and jnana-yoga is devotional service. Karma-yoga pertains to placement in varnashrama-dharma. Dhyana is part of shtanga-yoga.

AD: But jnani does not have to be a devotee of Krishna. How to understand it correctly?

KD: If he follows the process according to shastra he will get to know Hari from there. Sooner or later he will become a devotee.

AD: If he does not accept devotional service he belongs to category of impersonalists?

KD: Until he is kicked by a devotee he remains on the level of not understanding personality of Godhead.

AD: Knowledge which comes by executing devotional service is jnana or vijnana – realized knowledge?

KD: Vijnana is just that other end – nidhidhyasanama.

AD: Thus realized knowledge.

KD: Realized knowledge means that we are doing what we hear and think.

AD: I considered is somebody serves devotees, guru, mission, then Krishna gives him knowledge from within, not from outside like books. How to term this knowledge? Is it also jnana?

KD: All the same. There is no difference whether from books, guru or from Supersoul.

AD: Divya-jnana hrde prokashito.

KD: If we act accordingly it is vijnana. Citete koriyo aikya – our consciousness is in accordance.

AD: It appears that after gaining knowledge about Krishna from outside or inside, there is no other option than to go deeper – follow instructions and not to deviate.

KD: By practicing in society of such realized devotees.

AD: Knowledge removes avidya and awakens pure bhakti. Prema bhakti yaha hoite, avidya vinasa yate. Without mercy of such devotees it is not possible. It starts there. Madhyama devotees, or not?

KD: Kanishtha is also sufficient. He is also realized.

AD: How?

KD: At the beginning.

AD: Thank you.

KD: Haribol.



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