Petr M. 6/5/2021 Rs 1,020
Monitor fundraising closed. Big thanks to all the contributors!
For Samadhi magazine, and upcoming video editing project on Bhagavatam topics, I am required to have a larger PC screen. So far I have been using just a laptop screen. This would help me considerably in writing, video and image editing, and publishing. The goal is to collect £110, which is Rs 12,000, and purchase Samsung 24" monitor.
You can use bank transfer, card payment, or Paypal. See the options below.
Thank you
Start: 1/3/2021 End: 31/3/2021
Extended till 30/4/2021
So far collected: Rs 8,395
Goal Rs 12,000
Donor Date Amount
Petr M. 8/3/2021 £10 / Rs 1,025
Adela 2/4/2021 €50 / Rs 4,300
Petr M. 8/4/2021 £10 / Rs 1,025
City Preaching 8/4/2021 Rs 395
Samadhi mag 9/4/2021 Rs 1,650
The balance fulfilled from personal funds.