Brief summary points:
1. The unsubstantiated idea of post-samadhi rtvik pancaratra diksa. Based on that, the guilt projection of "aparadha against acharya," on those who oppose that concept. 2. Taking SP's words out of context and using unrelated arguments; breaking the rules of logic (nyaya) in one or more ways. 3. Not taking into account the original meanings and applications of the words rtvik, guru, and acharya. 4. Nonacceptance of the existence of qualified gurus within or outside of ISKCON. 5. Not understanding the necessary qualifications of guru and disciple. 6. Not educating the members of Gaudiya family according to acharya's directions. 7. Flat "bagging" all the gurus as fallen by default. 8. Not taking into account that Gaudiya line is bhagavata, albeit siksa. 9. Some members of IRM, or outside of IRM too, find it a primary mission to point out faults of fallen gurus, or even not fallen, and "wash" them in public which is against the direct order of the acharya.
10. Starting a discussion with examples, instead of principles and pramanas; and using bad examples - unrelated or self-defeating. Usually, people from this category open discussions with insults of all kinds.
11. Considering Gaudiya institution to be a worthy opportunity to establish a centralized and bureaucratic system of exploitation of all kinds.
12. While seeing some lesser or major wants in the proper following acharya's orders, instead of keeping to acharya's directions, and setting an example, new concocted, offensive, and detrimental ideas are added to the process of bhakti.
13. Needless to mention that nama-aparadha, and lack of enthusiasm for devotional service naturally undermine the instructions of the acharya. You are welcome to add any additional valid principal ones "ragpulls" in a comment. Any absurd, irrelevant, insulting, or grieving comments will be deleted. You can also support or argue the above points from the platform of sadhu, sastra, and guru combined. No emotional, unfounded, illogical, or twisted comments will be accepted.