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Wonderful Lord

Updated: Dec 19, 2020

candracandrikā nyāyaḥ (Moon's glare)

The lustrous glare of the Moon is inseparable from the body of the Moon itself.

yasya prabhā prabhavato jagad-aṇḍa-koṭikoṭiṣv aśeṣa-vasudhādi vibhūti-bhinnam tad brahma niṣkalam anantam aśeṣa-bhūtaṁ govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi

This is described in Śrī Brahma-saṁhitā 5.40. This limitless glittering material world (aśeṣa-vasudhādi vibhūti-bhinnam) rests or is manifested from the supremely-lustrous glare called brahmajyoti (tad brahma), which belongs or is shining forth (yasya prabhā prabhavato) from the Supreme Person Śrī Govinda (govindam ādipuruṣam). This is a simplified, but profound, theistic view of the origin of creation. All the creation and all living entities are comprised in that glitter. This glitter is not without any source. Every light has some source, as every energy has some source. For the electric light, it is the light-bulb. For Moonshine it is the Moon, and for material energy, it is Supreme Lord. Glorified Moon for its glare takes its power from the Lord. And living entities have their glory due to the unlimited glory of the Supreme Lord. Solely because of this is anyone capable to come up with something wonderful.

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