ya eva karoti sa eva bhuṅkte (as one does so one enjoys)
Everyone reaps as he sows.

On the material plane operates this simple law, yet for many unthinkable and unacceptable, the law of karma. If people would understand this spiritual rule, meaning the ordinance coming from God, the world would be much much nicer place to be in, devoid of mass murdering, slaughtering, prostitution, drug abuse, and other vices. Instead, leaders, educators, and uneducated people, in general, have chosen to make it hell-like pandemonium under the banner: “There is only this one lifetime. Let's eat, drink, and be merry. So work hard! Buy useless junk you don’t need! Obey the law which has hardly any practical impact, and changes too often! It is just meant to make your life miserable because bureaucrats do not have any interest to guide you. Fall in line! Any insubordination will be punished.” This is how people willfully subordinate to the punishment of Māyādevī. They prefer to be beaten by karmic reactions, rather than choose the saintly life of a devotee of the Lord. Yet they name this freedom. Out of sentiment, they rationalize it in their philosophies and arts. Weird and mean. Fortunate are those who do not subjugate to ignorance. The life of a sādhu is such that he willfully accepts Śrī Hari’s laws. In this way, he is exempt to be bound by ordinary laws of material karma to keep him tied in material existence. A good gardener plants beautiful flowers and plucks out harmful weeds.