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Proud of Action

Updated: Nov 8, 2020

Bakabandhana nyāyaḥ (catching crane)

A man had a wish to capture a crane. He devised a tedious plan. First, he secures a piece of butter, which he put on the crane's head. Then he waited until the sun heated the butter, which then melted, ran down its head over its eyes, which blinded the crane. At that moment the man seized the opportunity to catch the crane. Later he belauded himself amongst his friends, describing in detail the foolishly complicated plan to catch the bird.

Why perform actions in such a complicated manner? If that man had the opportunity to put the butter on crane's head, why he did not catch it then? Man is proud of his actions, whatever stupid they might be. Such foolishness is the result of turning one's back on Kṛṣṇa. Then one turns towards the dark and ignorant site of Kṛṣṇa's creation. Kṛṣṇa-bahirmukha haïā bhoga vāïchā kare nikaṭa-stha māyā tāre jāpaṭiyā dhare. He becomes deep-steeped in ignorance, performing useless, redundant, unbeneficial, and harmful acts, which he presents as great artistry and accomplishment. But that is only a spectacular performance of a magician to attract the public's adoration. Spiritually advanced persons perform actions in an effective, quick, pleasing, senseful, and artful manner. In other words, what is the benefit in clumsy imitations of that what the creator had already done much better unless one wants to impress the foolish public? A man imitating barking is attracting attention over the usual barking of any dog.

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