So far, I've learned that the members of this conference tend to view

jokes in which black people are the butt of humor to be politically
incorrect. But nobody minds when I make fun of Englishmen, even
to the point of calling them rude names like Pommies. Even the
English devotees who read these jokes don't protest. Interesting,
ektshually. It just proves what they say about the Brits--they get
a sliver in their finger every time they scratch their heads.
What's even more interesting is that the members of this conference
have such apparently lack of regard for space aliens. Don't you feel
ashamed laughing at jokes about them? Do you really feel yourselves so
superior, just because they're small, skinny, gray, have big eyes
and fly around in saucers zapping people with ray guns? Well, it just
goes to show what they say about Earth people. They're always speaking
so unkindly about their inferiors, but nobody's been able to find who
their inferiors are.
Anyway, enough of that.
Here's a joke about Jews.
A young Jewish boy was sitting in his father's tailor shop. A customer
had just paid the father for a $20 shirt and was leaving the store.
The boy asked his father, "Dad, what's business ethics?"
His father replied, "Son, I've noticed while here at the cash register
that the customer who's just exiting through the door accidently
gave me two $20 bills stuck together. So here's where question of
business ethics comes in.
Whether or not to tell my partner?"