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AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Founder-Äcärya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

and disciple family.

Kasya Das.jpeg

Käçya Däsa,

The author, member of ISKCON - Gaura's Gauòéya parivära.

My heartfelt gratitude belongs to all those myriads of devotees, including my wife, children and friends, without whose sacrifice I would not have a chance to hope one day to be counted as one of the servants of Lord Caitanya.


Among many, many of those devotees, Çrémad Suhotra Das Tapovanacari, Çrémän Manidhara Däsa and Çrémad Bhaktividyapurna Maharaja make significant imprint in my spiritual life, for which I am endlessly indebted to them.


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